Jianle Sun

I am Jianle Sun (孙健乐), currently a first-year PhD student in Logic, Computation, and Methodology at Carnegie Mellon University. Before this, I obtained my M.S. (research-based) and B.S. degree from the Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. My researching field includes statistical genetics and genomics, causal inference, computational methods in multi-omics data, and Bayesian analysis. I have also collaborated on epidemiological cohort studies, and done intern research on foundation models (e.g. BERT) for DNA sequence functional analysis.

Reseach interests

  • Methodology for causal inference and causal discovery
  • Statistical genetics & genomics methodology (GWAS, post-GWAS, eQTL, TWAS, etc.), and its application to human complex traits, e.g. understanding the cell-specific epigenomic and transcriptomic functional effects of genome variants through the integration of GWAS and (single-cell) molecular QTLs (Colocalization, Mendelian randomization, TWAS) That’s the main work of my master’s degree
  • Statistical & computational (machine learning) methods in multi-omics data including single-cell multi-omics intergration and temporal & spatial models
  • Longitudinal modeling & causal effect estimation in epidemiology

You can find the list of my publications and read the papers here.

I have a keen interest in many aspects of nature, social science, and humanities. I organized and participated in several seminars on philosophy and the history of science. I also have over a year of experience studying classical languages such as Latin and Sanskrit.